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Considering a Threesome? Let's Talk About It!

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Considering a Threesome?   Let's Talk About It!

As it has been written, sung, and repeated many times over,

 “…the times…they are a’changin...”

Did anyone ever think that the topic of having a threesome would begin to be part of a discussion of new societal norms?  Few of us ever did.  Yet, as we are seeing in mainstream media and social media, music and film, the future has arrived.

As societal norms continue to evolve, committed couples are increasingly exploring uncharted territories in their relationships, including the possibility of trying a threesome.  

The idea of inviting another person or people into our bedrooms has become more popular than ever. Are you thinking of trying a threesome? Does it sound appealing?   

considering having a threesome

The concept of threesomes, once considered taboo, is now being embraced by more couples than ever before, with the move from fantasy to reality now on the table for countless couples.

But before you dive into a threesome headfirst, your friendly Morgasm blogger would like to offer some thoughts on the potential pitfalls and/or pleasures that a threesome may bring.

Let’s Look at the History First

Since sex was invented by the same forces that invented humans, it has been quite common for women and men in committed relationships to fantasize about their partner having sex or carnal pleasure with another person or people with or without them present. The idea of bringing an outsider into the bedroom has always existed, as has the practice!

The earliest erotic images are rife with images of multiple partners engaging in sex acts at the same time.  But not only have threesomes been a visual stimulant—bringing in a third has been a staple of our fantasies and collective imagination.

Consider dirty and delicious talk while couples are having sex, like:

“What are doing you with (fill in the blank) right now as I am inside you?”

“Can you feel him/her licking you…”

“I’m fantasizing about you doing ___ to ____.”

Dirty talk about a threesome spices up sex for many couples, who may never have any interest in the actual experience of adding another party to the sex itself.

Why are Couples Drawn to Threesomes?

But as we said, times are changing. There are many reasons why couples are drawn to the idea of a threesome.

Some are driven by a sense of sexual adventurousness, seeking to break free from the constraints of monogamy and explore new realms of pleasure. Others are motivated by a desire to spice up their sex lives, introducing novelty and excitement into their relationship. And for some, the allure of experiencing sexual pleasure with multiple partners simply cannot be ignored and is simply a part of who they are.

Alert! Use Caution and Care When Approaching the Idea of a Threesome

With all of this in mind, it's crucial to approach the idea of a threesome with caution and careful consideration. While the prospect of a threesome can be tantalizing, it's not without its challenges.

Communication is key, and both partners must be honest and open about their desires, boundaries, and expectations. Think you aren’t a jealous person?  The concept of a threesome can trigger a jealousy you never thought you possessed.  Insecurity can rear its head in unexpected ways as well. You have to address these emotions head-on and ensure that everyone involved feels safe and comfortable!
1. Establish Ground Rules

Before embarking on a threesome, it's important to establish ground rules and boundaries. Discuss what is and isn't off-limits, and ensure that everyone involved is on the same page. Consent is paramount, and no one should ever feel pressured into participating in a sexual encounter that they're not fully comfortable with.

2. Choose the Third Party (or Parties) with Great Care

Then, if you make it past this first phase, consider that you need to both choose your third party carefully. Whether you opt for a friend, acquaintance, or stranger, ensure that they are trustworthy and respectful of your relationship. Make sure your partner is on board with the option you choose, and you’re your time. Establish clear communication and boundaries with this person beforehand to avoid any misunderstandings or complications.

3. Discuss Expectations, Fears, Insecurities--and Everything Else

While threesomes can be exhilarating and fulfilling experiences, they're not necessarily the right choice for every couple.  What do each of you expect?

While there isn’t “after the fact” data on whether threesomes are positive or negative for those involved, it is thought by many sex experts that a threesome often breaks more relationships than they enhance because partners are not emotionally prepared for the potential challenges that arise before, during and after the experience. Jealousy, insecurity, and feelings of inadequacy can all surface during a threesome, so it's crucial to approach the experience with a strong foundation of trust and communication and discuss expectations.

Whether or Not You Go for a Threesome, Make Morgasm Part of Your Sex Life!

If you do decide to explore the world of threesomes and have never tried Morgasm, consider trying Morgasm Arousal Lube.

Morgasm is designed to enhance pleasure and arousal for all partners at a level that no other lubricant can achieve.  It can bring some fun to what may be a tense moment and provide an icebreaker to exploration, as each party can apply Morgasm to each other to get the ball rolling.

Morgasm is 100% natural and helps stimulate more intense orgasms, elevating the overall sexual experience for all parties. 

With our all-natural, groundbreaking formula and commitment to quality, Morgasm is America's #1 arousal lube We are trusted in countless bedrooms, cars, purses, and more because Morgasm does what it says it will do!

To Threesome or Not to Threesome?

The decision to engage in a threesome is a deeply personal one that should not be taken lightly. While it can be a thrilling and fulfilling experience for some couples, it's important to approach it with caution, honesty, and open communication.

By setting clear boundaries, choosing your third party carefully, and prioritizing the emotional well-being of everyone involved, you can navigate the complexities of a threesome with confidence and grace. To make it as rewarding as possible, one should take their time, and be very deliberate and open in sharing and communicating at each step in the process.  And remember—it’s also okay not to try it.

But one thing you must try?  Morgasm! Whether you're exploring threesomes or any other sexual encounter, Morgasm Arousal Lubricant is here to enhance your pleasure and satisfaction.  Give us a try, and let us know how you enjoyed Morgasm!



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